Articles tagged as " salvation "

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shortest period of itikaf waswasa surgery advise good jinn gift sexual problem duties of parents cruelty ı am ı appoint flag british museum fard al-kifaya worship during itikaf fasting 11th of muharram menses adultery laylat al baraat rahmah sadaqah al fitr providing the Muslim unity ıslamic-law believe in unseen bediuzzaman prayers not accepted for 40 days 10 muharram good morals one qurbani on behalf of the household Quran and western thinkers laylatu'l qadr jacop diviner atheism pray for the guidance of disbeliever azrael umrah fasting in war non-changeable destiny miscarriage moral importance of praying at night heart arabic hair major sins naeem verified faith masjid dead can hear pious celebrate the eid dua changes fate nafilah conditions of clothing during salah fishkeeping worship assalamu alaikum obliged to hajj muayada justice and reancarnation God watches us closing eyes iblis disrespect to parents spirituality salah is the pillar of islam offer iftar reincarnation in Quran journey salat al tarawih zakat for deposit partner tawaff-e ziyarat Ibrahim supplications in the quran ayahs about reatives science in islam treasure worship of an alcohol drinker how to calculate the zakat amount on shares marital activity invalidating fast conveyance adab of prayer madina oneness of god hajj is fard history of hijra form zakat for reserved gold bad omen in safar fard-i kifaya wife and mother sexual gratification dua why facing the kaba gospel what invalidates itikaf dress code for praying fragrance of jannah

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