Articles tagged as " samud "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " samud "

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Does the Qur'an Contain Everything?

It is said that Quran contains everything. Could you explain this sentence? 12.27.2009 14:17

Does the Qur'an Contain Everything?

It is said that "the Qur'an Contains everything." could you explain this sentence? 10.11.2009 19:09


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absolute nothingness scripture balkans muayada martyr sahaba without performing salat rebirth why to turn to kaaba during salah silaturrahim wet dream while fasting magnificence dress hadith tanasukh the month of safar responsility acceptance of dua cream during fasting angel and people Prens Bismarck when miraj happened ısra spend on relatives penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally praise groups eligible for zakat abraham charity islamic perpective on lying sakat al fitr to wife vegetable irresponsible parents month of rajab things invalidating fast virtues of friday new year's eve makkah voice fasting and obesity what breaks itikaf intention of fast value of ramadan imperfect worship mukarrab malaika of arsh reach ruku rabial awwal improvement death time muslims and racism feel Allah all the time safar vow abort ashura language of the holy books foreplay during fast female inheritance in Islam shawwal food multiplication miracle education hadrat ali solutions for waswasa confidant with nonmuslims moisturiser during fast image oneness of god justice fasting three days before ramadan plastic surgery lying muhammad(pbuh) dhalla masturbation during fast hafsa virtues of jumuah expiation of masturbation while fasting men women equality prayers of previous ummahs declaration of belief providing the Muslim unity belief in prophets qamari calendar sexual gratification 61 days fasting qadar in hadiths having children reward for fasting ashura muslim women wearing jeans nafila fast wildan ukhuwwah in Islam madhabs women in Christianity jurisprudence generosity paraclete catastrophe ask for pardon creat dead can hear dissemination wish for death

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