Articles tagged as " sawm "

Totally 7 articles have been tagged as " sawm "

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Why is not it proper to delay breaking the fast?

Is it permissible to delay breaking the fast? What is the importance of breaking the fast on time? 8.12.2011 17:41

What are the pillars of fasting?

what are the pillars of fasting according to four schools of thought? 8.11.2011 17:44

What Are the Five Pillars of Islam?

Can you give brief information about the five pillars of Islam? 12.11.2012 12:36

What does "fasting" (sawm) mean?

What does "sawm" mean in Arabic? 7.9.2013 14:17

Who is exempt from fasting?

Which people are exempted from fasting in Ramadan? What are the conditions to be exempted from fasting in Ramadan? What are the valid excuses for abandoning fast of Ramadan? 8.1.2012 01:06

Wisdoms of Ramadan

Why does Allah want his servants to go hungry? Why do the Muslims fast? What are the benefits of fasting, an obligation during Ramadan for the Muslims, for the individuals and for the society? 8.2.2011 13:59

What Does Fasting Mean?

What does Sawm mean in Arabic? 9.2.2009 17:20


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