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How Many Words are There in the Qur'an?

How many words are there in the Holy Quran? 11.21.2010 20:08


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Carlyle sculpture lipstick during fast eat halal keep promise keeping Quran in the bedroom day of judgement friday of ramadan fatrat animal the month of safar mawlid al nabi celebration surah after fatiha ısra eligible for zakat natural selection mukallaf hand book visiting graveyard water runs from his fingers ramadan hilal feeding poor bediuzzaman lying to make people laugh civilization marital relations ayat al kursi ka'ba penalty of breaking ramadan fast intentionally educational methods of Muhammad father dua and destiny abondening sunnah virtues of friday non-existence medicine during fast private parts month of allah akhirah cat past eternal meaning of hajj chronic bleeding or menses periclytos alqamah ask for forgiveness crescent symbol news in bible for muhammad dar-us salaam hadiths about worshipping on lailat al miraj brilliance(lightness) age of fard prayer mahshar veil fasting three days before ramadan whispers of shaitan meccan chapters divine knowledge hijra duas for waswasa sacrficie punishment of backbiting predetermination where is god ruling pure heart nabiyah obeying the orders of allah ikhtiyari qadar benefits of quitting smoking prooves of quran otoman state nawafile fast our beloved prophet’s routine affairs ruh anger torments of hell appoint ask the deceased for intercession shawwal or qada kabbalah not talking for three days laylat-ul qadr worshipping others than allah zakat for plot prophets’ supplications damage go to masjid against parents atom doubts in faith maintaining the ties of kinship pillars of islam fiancee men women equality the dead ruyatullah pious dress with image

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