Articles tagged as " soothsayer "

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Is It A Sin to Tell Fortune?

What is the ruling of telling fortune? What about telling fortune or visiting a fortuneteller just for fun? 5.22.2012 01:12


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fast during hardship family ties kaffara worship of sacrifice duties of the prophets preference men over women hadith about 5 daily prayers placing hands in salah the preserved tablet lying in jest intercession crescent bidah adolesence doubts in faith morals sending blessings on prophet envier ask the deceased for intercession insulin injection during fasting power congregation cream during fasting period of fatrat wise dissemination hairdresser spend on relatives virtue of fasting muharram breaking the fast children of paradise proofs of Isa returning how to make tawba nasuh disbeliever ısra sadaqa al fitr jamada al akhir welcoming ramadan tashrik takbir fasting arabian peninsula medicine during fast zakat for the committed saving mazi during fast insulin injection christian engagement fard-i kifaya method sunni benefits of quitting smoking break the fast justice to children scripture heaven jizya in islam dhimmi meaning of fiqh zakat to non-muslims reincarnation in Quran fair ask a foreteller for help trade reward of tarawih fast broken duties of parents conscience mystery halal greeting women hadith about tawba hadith about name knowledge sunnah supplication straightening the rows cleaning cream before salah muhammad's attitute to his wifes age of salah period of itikaf archangels parents in jannah newborn depart mina early female education in Islam zakat al fitr dajjal speak during khutba seven allah Yasir pleasure and entertainment fıqh madhmadha while fasting duas for waswasa applying cream and salah tahqiqi iman non-existence reach ruku men women equality

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