Articles tagged as " spirit "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " spirit "

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What is the true reason for Miraj?

What is the true reason for Miraj? Why did Allah (SWT) demand it to happen? 9.11.2010 07:08

Why did the Prophet (pbuh) ascend with his body instead of doing it spiritually?

Why did the beloved Prophet (pbuh) ascend with his body instead of doing it spiritually as awliya (saints) do? 9.11.2010 07:06


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significance of fasting reason of miraj reason muawiya naseehah istinshaq conditions breaking fast tawbah feast of sacrifice educational methods of Muhammad albania zakat for deposit sacrifice worship feet woman zakat for savings mother hadrat ali importance of sexual gratification in islam vow marriage forbiddance puberty ruh ihram zakat and solidarity Goethe khutbah ether jihad love mother brother christian rows of a congregational prayer praying in the graveyard Quran and philosophers abortion sakat al fitr to wife Mr. John Davenport fasting of a pregnant woman fasting shaban worship of an alcohol drinker five daily prayers iddah magnificence ramadan hilal inheritance of an unmarried lady worship of sacrifice haram (forbidden things) satan celebrating the mawlid divine knowledge fasting during journey human world improvement provider irresponsible parents atom virtues of jumuah hell corpse of pharaoh magician in islam tenuous ask a magician for help neccesity of Islamic unity pilgrimage minor sin guilty mukarrab malaika of arsh reckoning speed female witness in Islam intoxicant zakat for land sexual gratification when to make niyyah for fast inheritance magic in ıslam congregation traveller planet flirt during engagement animal toys misgiving wedding ceremony alignment of the heels to straighten the rows madhabs affliction furqaan wife and mother slaughtering turkey prayers not accepted for 40 days allah created adam in his image Jochahim Durulph medina purpose omnipotence groups eligible for zakat nafila the day of arafa repent

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