Articles tagged as " spoiled fast "

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Is it Enough for a Person to Compensate the Fast Later, If It is Broken for Some Reason?

When something that may spoil or break the fast happens, is Kafarah is required? Or is it just enough to compensate the fast at a later time? 9.3.2010 01:08


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the bible ayahs on hajj wildan illness dwellers of grave order of kaffarah crucifiction zakat to friend dressing code silence during khutba expressions of respect birth makkah waswasa after salah tawafuq man eid'ul adha tashrik takbir ikhtiyari qadar disbeliever infidels woman clothing fasting three days before ramadan pleasant(latif) hands below the navel in salah naeem death is a part of life join prayers physics H.Leider miracles about trees charity pharaoh marifatullah muslim countries mothers in Islam bad deeds of the dead permissible to use miswak silaturrahim mani contemplation to ease the birth pain why facing the kaba swimming while fasting wet dream during fast bidah backbiting Thomas Carlyle feel Allah all the time laylatul baraat reading kuran in ramadan darkness qamah awrah good jinn arsh jiin ring commander carriers ramad jesus eidul adha Jesus in Islam conditions special to woman qibla three months why to seek knowledge affliction niyyah for ramadan fasting to break ramadan fast a few times laylat ul qadr reward for hajj how to calculate the zakat amount on shares reckoning decree belief in prophets when to make niyyah for fast animal treatment in ıslam universe paradox eternal jahannam fasting during journey importance of fasting ashura adornment whispers of shaitan date of miraj yaqup declaration of belief how to spend the ramadan in the best way conditions of quitting ramadan fast uthman asma al’husna alignment of the heels to straighten the row gabriel excellence rab ınjil latin hikmah

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