Articles tagged as " suicide "

Totally 4 articles have been tagged as " suicide "

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Is Euthanasia Permissible?

Is euthanasia permissible? Is euthanasia considered suicide? Do people committing suicide go to hell? Is it permissible to wish for death in Islam? 4.11.2010 13:20

Is Euthanasia Permissible?

Is euthanasia permissible? Is euthanasia considered suicide? Do people committing suicide go to hell? 4.11.2010 12:50

Is Euthanasia Permissible?

Is euthanasia permissible? Is euthanasia considered suicide? Do people committing suicide go to hell?   4.6.2010 13:24

Do Those Committing Suicide Die Before Their Times?

Does suicide come true just because it is written in the destiny? Do people commiting suicide take their time of death to an easrlier date? Do people committing suicide determine their time of death by themselves? 10.8.2009 12:39


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