Articles tagged as " symbol "

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Is Crescent the Symbol of Islam?

Is there any relation between crescent (hilal) symbol and Islam? Why is there crescent symbol over the domes of masjids and on the flags of Islamic states? 3.31.2011 00:50


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word number Loqman model person H.Leider fasting under compulsion wildan ramadan hilal jihad in Islam noor praying tarawih in congregation makruh of salah deposit water runs from his fingers hadith of gabriel women clothing in islam importance of fasting ashura israafeel pillars of sawm according to four madhabs dua for birth pain silaturrahim ilah object eid'ul adha when miraj happened yazid proof of allah waiting period grave ıslam ask for forgiveness of people before hajj recite into ear valid excuses for abandoning fast overcome jealousy fasting 10th of muharram jamaah fatimi dead can hear moses christmas combination of salahs zakat to foundations recommended acts of worship in ramadan to complete and straighten the rows in sunnah gabriel dua for Omar Khattab tarawih in different madhabs evidence of allah madhabs Allah watches us iron ring teenage and parents decree rhetoric tawafuq natural creation boyfriend in Islam results of hijra dhulhijjah fast broken dolls in islam ilm miracles of Jesus reflect upon responsibilites of parents worst major sins periclytos impact of name on man fasting three days before ramadan passive euthanasia dajjal desires in jannah zakat disaster najasa madhmadha while fasting swimming while fasting zakat to Islamic organizations combine prayers dua is essence of worship oneness of allah sajdah wedding ceremony kiram al katibin female witness in Islam suffering miscarrige islamic inheritance law salat al tarawih reflection shower water multiplication miracle shaitan i'jaz prophet's month vegetable allah sincerity invention ruling pill

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