Articles tagged as " tags: food "

Totally 1 articles have been tagged as " tags: food "

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Is It Appropriate to Eat from the Alawi People?

Is it appropriate to eat what is served in an Alawi friend’s house? Is it lawful and halal? 9.27.2010 10:45


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reviving parents zakat in islamic civilization pharaoh born smoking reckoning perform prayer in unison with congregation who to give zakat al fitr nifas and hayd during fast istinshaq prophets sky evidence night journey reflect upon revolution repetition of improper ibadah dolls in islam ramadan karem poorness deceased intoxicant biology ramadan-al-mubarak moses and khidr cleaning cream before salah power fortune telling brother mani relations with people of book wali asking during khutbah what is hajj sunnahs of jummah pious marriage in shaban cleaning najasa before salah transcendental noor sexual problem qadar in ayahs dua fasting three days before ramadan wive's property in Islam prophethood husayn to apply moisturiser during fast ask for pardon allah created adam in his image acceptance of dua transplantation reason worship of sacrifice rajab why to seek knowledge kalaamullah zakaat types of angels supreme one udhiyya for family ruh attribute reference to muhammad in bible adn christians prayed in the masjid graveyard forgiveness in shaban disaster relation by marriage will of allah shahadah operation ayah of muharramat prayers of one who drinks alcohol shia love minor sin dressing code assalamu alaikum geology Islamic ruling on alcohol fall in love in ıslam importance of hajj gambling dua changes fate shaitan conditions of clothing during salah ring sending greetings on prophet cream during fasting bonds between Muslims chastening of nafs makruh Quran recitation just give alms believe in unseen unfair division the difference of sunnah

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