Articles tagged as " test "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " test "

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Why does God create evils and the devil?

If Allah wants me not to commit evils, then why does He create evils and the devil? 11.18.2009 12:02

Why does Allah (swt) not Prevent the Disasters and the Catastrophes But Allows Them?

How does Allah allow the afflictions if He is so merciful? why doesn't He prevent them? 2.25.2012 12:40

Is Man Doomed to his Destiny?

Do we live what is predetermined for us? 7.3.2009 23:49


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bad deeds of the dead God knows everything colour of fire round beard eating causing a bad deed unintentional mistakes celebrating the mawlid sawm benefits of belief in qadar irresponsible parents benefits of hajj Jesus will come back desires in jannah provider shaban al muazzam foreplay during fast existence of god jurisprudence unmarriageable female relatives wear a cross safari Quran and philosophers love of allah trouble premarital relationship nafs obeying the orders of allah disobedience against parents lailat ul baraat abortion importance of Muslim unity zakat to non muslims time enemy does shower break fast give alms sacdah sahw qamah lunar year cutting nails during menstruation marriage with nonmuslims miracles of muhammad difference between angels and people paradise christianity zakat al fitr to children bad omen in safar placing hands in salah jesus mentioned muhammad realm of souls reference to muhammad in bible nonmuslim men theory of evolution interpretation of Baqara 165 white lies closing eyes eternity srebrenica genocide wudu while fasting young muslims madhmadha while fasting to apply moisturiser during fast maltreatmant toward parents the day of judgement preference men over women orbit commit evil belief in prophets rebirth prophet muhammad father virtue of tarawih sunnah the wisdom of sins dua is worship euthanasia ashura age of mukallaf mazi during fast oblige night of celebration neccesity of Islamic unity tawheed mukallaf prayers not accepted for 40 days month of shaban stories in the quran imperfect worship shuhuru thalatha traveller intercession with ayah and hadith end of the world time of wedding in Islam conditions breaking fast patience equal shirk in love doomed to destiny wahy

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