Articles tagged as " the day before eid "

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What Is Tashrik Takbir? When Does It Start?

What is tashrik takbir? When should I start to say it? 11.9.2010 23:56


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working in a pub obesity cleaning irresponsible parents bidah reward for hajj offer iftar khulafa al rashidun pill keep promise God watches us otoman state treasure language of the prophets forgiveness of an infidel interregnum ablution while fasting answer to prayer swimming while fasting kaffarah for a few times prayer praying in ramadan ısrafel wildan medinan chapters good demons chemistry eligible for zakat ejaculation due to thoughts during fast Quran and western thinkers hadiths on sending blessings malaika beautification meccan chapters osman al hiri fard-i kifaya (pbuh) spoiled fast lustful thoughts during fast recitation reach ruku udhiyya two consecutive months extra surah ghusl while fasting makruhs of salah cave of hira christians holy book fate pillars of fast materialism fall in love ka'ba gabriel hadiths about hajj lawh al mahfuz astronomy vaccination during fast tenuous depart mina early after death companion laylat al baraat language responsible muslim lailat al baraat rain prayer white lies losing sexual desires fasting in old ages woman clothing nimrod listening to Quran while working chores of the prophet why is quran arabic salaam feeding cat umm-ul kitaab guide ramadan-ul mubarak sakat al fitr to wife birth of Jesus in Quran importance of straightening the rows sculpture break promise ask for forgiveness of people before hajj does bath break fast sufism abu bakr ask for pardon equal stop talking for three days silaturrahim magic in ıslam tasawwuf existence injustice khaluf beloved ones

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