Articles tagged as " the day of arafa "

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Reciting 1000 Ikhlas on the Day of Arafa

What is the importance of reciting 1000 surah ikhlas on the Day of Arafa? 3.12.2011 23:09


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close eyes during salah uninformed people generosity literature | medication on open wound during fast night appoint zakat al fitr to children relations with people of book signs of muhammad in bible kalaam skin of the qurban day of judgment hadith about kaffara muharramat adults playing dolls etiquette kitaabullah unbeliver belief in reancarnation silaturrahim smoking greeting men malaika-i muakkal celebration time of wedding in Islam ask for pardon Mr. John Davenport backbiting perform prayer in unison with congregation hadiths and ayahs proving hajj you are you dress code : provision of fast non-believer dua for hidayah salah on a chair masturbation during fast muslim woman voice father malak Islamic unity hebrew sexual intercource qa'da uthman leaving the masjid during itikaf animal toys realm of souls maintaining the ties of kinship ornament marifatullah to endure the difficulties of long fasting to pray wearing a dress with images power ayah about five daily prayers predestination plight of widows in Islam tawafuq to pray for polytheist azazil pillar quitting ramadan fasting prostration of thankfulness ask a foreteller for help beloved ones meaning of hajj son character whoever misses the asr prayer ayah and hadith about shafaah sunnahs of friday round beard fortuneteller jinns message of ashura alcoholic beverage bukhl will of allah purpose hadith zakat and solidarity zakat for land jama takheer prove sur medication reading kuran in ramadan men imitating women fasting shaban fasting in the moth of shawwal angel youth Quran recitation necessary invitation of a nonmuslim unfair division hands below the navel in salah intention for ramadan scholars

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