Articles tagged as " the month of safar "

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Is Safar a month of troubles?

Is Safar a month of troubles? 1.3.2013 23:05


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importance of unity worship in shaban heritage responsible follow makkah for iftar haj eid H.Leider sur fard parts of salah surah after fatiha Prophet changed bad names muharram butcher ısra zakat to friend in need reward of sending blessings importance of sexual gratification in islam eid al adha death appoint malak age of salah relationship order combination of salahs fast of an ill person in ramadan angel of death charity Edward Gibbon realm prostration arafa wujud real generosity qaroon human model close eyes during salah guest worship of an alcohol drinker development age of fard prayer niyet water runs from his fingers Dr. Johnson tawaff-e ziyarat rule miscarriage placing hands in salah lailat al baraat blessed days dua for hidayah torture cream with alcohol men imitating women forgiveness of an infidel day of judgment ragaib flag duas for waswasa zakat to friend how to overcome envy benefits of quitting smoking break promise prerequisites of prayer how to spend the ramadan in the best way drinking zakaah al fitr sky bulgaria Ismail atom hands below the navel in salah wudu while fasting physics malaika expiation of masturbation during fast keep promise shortest period of itikaf tashrik takbir suffering furqaan masjid allah(swt) bath on friday expiation of ramadan fast example women in Torah illness during ramadan fast things invalidating fast wet dream generosity Dr. Maurice creations alignment of the heels to straighten the rows azraeel omnipotent engagement in Islam

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