Articles tagged as " to receive salam "

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Who Was the First Person to Use the Word “Salam”?

I wonder who used the word "salam" for the first time? 8.23.2010 16:30


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benefits of belief in qadar listening to Quran while working hair just praying asr on time najasa prayers not accepted for 40 days hurry for hajj prophet conditions of clothing during salah muhammad's religion before ıslam anger set off a slave allah zakaat celebrating mawlid an-nabi Jesus will come back entity waswasa prostration stop talking for three days itikaf spoil the salah missing the asr prayer angel women in Bible invitation of a nonmuslim month of allah Rodwell ayahs about reatives importance of straightening the rows prophets’ supplications christians silence during khutba hisab place obliged to hajj ask a magician for help character funeral zakat to organizations nisab greeting women element reward of sending blessings mortal eating dates worldly benefits of belief black dress dolls Ishaq celebrating the new year bridge who can receive zakat month of shawwal jannah dissemination biology importance of name zakat conditions the wisdom of sins attributes suicide makruhs of salah abraham pious physics jurisprudence Islamic ruling on alcohol reincarnation heaven ayah fasting and obesity alignment of the heels to straighten the row Prof. Joe Leigh Simpson takbir marifatullah rows of a congregational prayer hayd breaking the fast laylatu'l qadr allah created adam in his image nur importance of zakat tenuous belief in reancarnation benefits of hajj soul safar feeding poor responsible muakkada catastrophe beam khorasan one qurbani on behalf of the household zakat on shares everlasting one udhiyya for family

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