Articles tagged as " types of sunnah "

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What is the Difference Between Quran and Sunnah?

What is Quran and what is sunnah? 7.4.2011 23:27


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holy day ayah plugging eyebrows haram (forbidden things) iftitah takbir questioning angels malak punishment of backbiting example feast days visit graveyard faith Islamic belief in prophets creat vaginal discharge qadar in ayahs Eve in Islam festival confusing surahs elderly parents our beloved prophet did his chores by himself convert changes name moisturiser during fast snow rain while fasting akhirah feel a presence behind me slaughter fasting under compulsion afterlife karbala abrogation cream with alcohol vegetable answer to prayer realm of souls splitting the moon mukallaf importance of praying at dawn intervening stage ruling of silat ur rahim in islam fiancee jiin gambling full ablution agent angels face christian disobedience against parents worship during itikaf zakat on fixed deposit hadith of gabriel test niyyah Rodwell nafila things invalidating fast Prens Bismarck dress during salah alim eid al fitr mani during fast covenant geology rasul doubts in faith zakat for the lent money having children salah on a chair Prophet changed bad names literature | holy days hadith about kaffara signs of laylat al qadr see angel dressing code forgiveness in shaban water runs from his fingers qamah good deeds Thomas Carlyle Jesus will come back beard process of fiqh fair four great angels sending greetings on prophet dream fil sexual desire boy girl relations in Islam husayn natural selection social benefits of hajj journey whispers of shaitan straightening the rows harmony son will of allah

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