Articles tagged as " ummah "

Totally 3 articles have been tagged as " ummah "

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Model Person, Model Society- 2

To Be Able to Be Pioneer and Sample to the Human World... 12.8.2010 23:28

Model Person, Model Society-1

Following the Footprints of the Prophet (pbuh)... 12.6.2010 21:34

Gifts given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s ummah in the Holy Month of Ramadan

What kind of gifts have been given to Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) ummah in the Holy Month of Ramadan? 7.9.2013 14:16


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obedience give name pious month benefits of belief in qadar monogamy qadar ashura day beautification premarital relationship to ease the birth pain kalaam levels ill sending blessings on prophet bosnia accomplish round beard punishment maltreatment to parents past eternal wear a cross allah has no beginning after death to delay zakat where is god worst major sins lotion during fast caliphate Khaybar realm of souls laylatu'l qadr prophet muhammed (pbuh) obliged to hajj reason astronomy sadaqa al fitr preference men over women death is good transplantation soothsayer kawthar being in an environment where there is backbiting importance of fasting muharram apparent nothingness fasting of a pregnant woman form muawiya pray evidences of god flag islamic perpective on lying vaginal discharge sexual intercourse recommended acts of worship in ramadan bad manners coincidence hisab dua is essence of worship death the month of safar plugging eyebrows duas for waswasa food medicine during fast salaam rights of parents nativity play halal social akhirah commander carriers hadith about repentance zakat to other countries sunnahs of friday permission for second wife ihtilam ilah semen during fast adults playing dolls God watches us kiraman katibin how to avoid haram marital activity invalidating fast dua for guidance extra surah muhammad boy girl relationship on phone fasting 11th of muharram illiyyun how to overcome masturbation dar-us salaam human being morning of celebration creation of universe god pleasant(latif) intoxicant meaning of reancarnation zamm-i surah nafila fast

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