Articles tagged as " universe "

Totally 8 articles have been tagged as " universe "

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Does Quran mention other creatures living in the universe?

Are there any verses in the Quran that mention other creatures living in the universe? 1.2.2011 22:58

Proofs of Angels

How can we believe the existence of angels? Are there any proves? 10.12.2010 15:56

Allah Is Not Dependent on His Angels

Though Allah is Omnipotent, why He gets angels to do the works in the universe? 1.11.2011 23:43

Does Allah Need Angels?

Even though Allah is the Omnipotent, why does He create the angels for the works in the universe? 10.12.2009 15:03

How Can We Understand Allah Has No Begining and No End?

How can the human beings conceive Allah's being Eternal and having no begining and no end? 9.29.2009 13:10

Is It Normal Not to Be Curious About the Hereafter?

Is it normal of a person not to be curious about anything related to the Hereafter (Akhirah) and Allah? 9.11.2009 22:20

Why did God Send Prophets?

Do people need prophets? Why did God send prophets? 12.4.2012 11:45

Why Are the Angels Created?

The Humans and The Jinn were Created to Worship Allah. If It Is So, Then What Is The Purpose of The Creation of Angels? 7.6.2009 14:52


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