Articles tagged as " women imitating men "

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Is It Halal for Muslim Women to Wear Jeans ?

Is it halal or haram to wear jeans? Does it say in the Quran anywhere or in a hadith? Jazakallah 7.5.2011 20:37

İs it Halal for Muslim Women to Wear Jeans?

Is it halal or haram to wear jeans? Does it say in the Quran anywhere or in a hadith? Jazakallah 7.5.2011 16:58

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substance fast during hardship permissible to use miswak take soul value of nisab injection during fast real generosity fil realm of grave ruling meaning of hajj sadaqa deposit qiyam Maryam in Quran medina patience mawlid oneness of allah one udhiyya suffices for the household tawafuq Shuaib hell illiyyun islamic inheritence law kursy noor trade in alcohol night journey literature spoiled fast tawbah madhmadha amala-i mumassil sister ramadan karem ask a magician for help unmarriageable female relatives fasting in muharram awliya christians ask the deceased for intercession zakat for committed money proof of intercession reward of tarawih fast broken keeping dogs to apply moisturiser during fast is shafaah right zakat al fitr to parents iblis istinshaq while fasting ablution while fasting mikael red sea poorness sinner set off a slave ejaculation during fast salah is the pillar of islam commander carriers paradox srebrenica massacre ayah and hadith about shafaah permanent tattoo telling lies 15th of rajab merits of shaban eating the food of nonmuslims marriage with nonmuslims where is Allah Dr. Maurice Bucaille celebration qadar in ayahs ayat al kursi solutions for waswas conditions breaking fast heritage ısra salvation family ties closing eyes dua for hidayah isra prayer of an alcohol drinker date rows of a congregational prayer authentic accomplish future fragrance of jannah passive euthanasia science and sleeping sunnah dress during salah importance of salam death christmas prophethood duty ghaybah see allah

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