Articles tagged as " zakaat "

Totally 2 articles have been tagged as " zakaat "

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Is It Permissible to Give Zakat-al Fitr to a Non-Muslim?

Is it obligatory to give zakat-al fitr to poor Muslims? 8.24.2011 05:09

Who Are Entitled to Receive Zakat?

2.28.2011 14:49


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revealed book Yaqub how to make tawbah elder break promise tawbatun nasuh time of wedding in Islam convey reward to deceased justice boy girl relations in Islam razzaq keeping dogs relationship angel creation significance of ramadan alignment of the heels to straighten the row polytheism what to do in ramadan prophetess jihad rebellion attributes christian punishment of backbiting shuhuru thalatha ızdirari qadar intercession acceptance of imperfect worship society dua ayahs why to seek knowledge zakat al fitr tawafuq contemplation pray is shafaah right knowledge glorification effects of smoking heaven christians prayed in the masjid warner makruhs of salah rain prayer quds sakat al fitr to wife solar year yaqup Isa will come back repetition of improper ibadah tanasukh how to calculate the zakat amount on shares importance of straightening the rows ask for forgiveness breaking ramadan fast intentionally what is hajj shaban al muazzam conditions for an accepted tawbah shii age of puberty fasting under compulsion professors fate age in jannah severing family ties salah existence of god zakat on shares allah omnipotence Jesus will come back makruh of salah go to masjid against parents listening to adhan gossip poorness events in hijra ilah christmas night asma al'husna animals shaban faith of parents of prophet nonmuslim neighboor predestination hafsa pure heart hafaza prostration for forgetfulness period-delaying swimming while fasting to break fast intentionally dua is essence of worship providing the Muslim unity revelation creations belief in reancarnation theory of evolution hour

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