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What is The Ruling of Silat ur Rahim (Maintaining The Ties of Kinship) in Islam?
Is it fard to maintain good relations with relatives in Islam?
Islam gives extremely great importance to maintenance, establishment and preservation of ties of kinship which is called “silat ur rahim”. Silat-ur-Rahim denotes maintaining the ties of kinship, visiting parents and relatives, being kind to them, disregarding and forgiving faults, spending on them and giving sadaqa.
The Holy Qur’an and hadiths emphasize the significance of family ties and instruct Muslims to preserve good relations with family and relatives.
Silat-ur-Rahim is wajib (necessary)
Scholars (Ulama) are in consensus that it is wajib to maintain the ties of kinship while severing these ties is haram.
Besides; they say that maintaining the ties with close relatives is fard. (Kimya al Saadet) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is The Ruling of Silat ur Rahim (Maintaining The Ties of Kinship) in Islam?