" Miraj "
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What is “Lailat al Miraj”?
What does miraj mean? What is “Lailat al-Miraj”?
Laylat-ul Miraj is the 27th night of Rajab, the seventh month of Islamic lunar calendar. That’s the blessed night that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) performed the miracle of miraj.
Miraj is an Arabic noun derives from the root “uruc” that means “to ascent”. In this respect Miraj refers to the instrument of ascending of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from earth to the heavens. Since in his hadiths concerning the miracle of Miraj, the Blessed Prophet (pbuh) used the expression “u’rice bi” meaning “I was ascended”, this miracle has been called as “miraj”.
It is the second blessed night of the shuhuru thalatha (the three blessed months). The first blessed night is Laylat-ul Ragaib which is approved as the beginning of Prophet Muhammad’s life. Laylat-ul Miraj is the second blessed night that is approved as the peak of his spiritual ascension.
As the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that He performed for the dwellers of the earth is His splitting the moon into two, His greatest miracle performed for the dwellers of the heaven is “Ascension”. It’s his greatest miracle following the greatest miracle that is Quran and the second greatest miracle which is his excellent morality. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is “Lailat al Miraj”?
Another question about this topic: 
The practice of celebrating Lailat al Miraj is Bid'ah (innovation) There is no mention of the date of Mihraj inthe Qur'an or Saheeh Hadeeth. It is clear innovation, bid'ah... Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is “Lailat al Miraj”?
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Another question about this topic: 
Where does the Quran or Hadith specify these dates? Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is “Lailat al Miraj”?
Dear Brother,
Miraj is the greatest miracle manifested to the dwellers of the heaven (ahl al sama) which the Blessed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was ascended to the heaven, left behind all the universe, met with Allah (swt) without any barriers, saw His infinite beauty, heard his word and was honoured to have a conversation with him. This great miracle is explicitly stated in the Quran, in the first ayah of Surah al Isra. However, an exact date relating lailat al Miraj is not mentioned neither in the ayah (just like Night of Qadr mentioned in the ayah, but its exact date is not) nor in the hadith. Nevertheless, the Muslim ummah, justifiably, gives great importance to this very blessed night which the Lord of the universe, Rabb al Alamiin, bestowed His Beloved Prophet (pbuh) the most remarkable honor with His unique beauty (Jamal) and His word. Yes, the ummah legitimately proud of Lailat al Miraj, because Allah (swt) not only honored His prophet but also honored his ummah by bestowing them five daily prayers which none of the previous ummahs were given.
So, although the exact date of Miraj is not mentioned in the hadith, there is a considerable amount of hadiths about worshipping on the 27th of Rajab which is generally accepted as Lailat al Miraj by most of the scholars. Regarding the narrations which are placed in honorable books of distinguished scholars, the Muslim ummah- generally- spend the 27th of Rajab with thankfulness to their Rab.
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
“Whosoever performs 12 rakahs of salah on the 27th night of Rajab, recites Fatihah and a surah from Quran, gives salam in every two rakats and asks Allah (swt) for forgiveness reciting “Subhanallahi wa-lhamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wa-llahu akbar ”100 times after salah and then sends salutations onto the Prophet 100 times, if he prays and also intends to fast in the morning, his prayers about whatever he wishes of this world or of the hereafter will be accepted unless he prays for a sin.” (Bayhaqi: Shuab al Iman: 3531; Suyuti: Kanz al-Ummal: 35170)
Prophet Muhammad said:
“Whosoever performs salah of two rakats, recites Fatihah and twenty times surah al Ikhlas, sends blessings on the Prophet ten times after salah and prays “Allahumma inni as’aluka bimushaahadati asraaril muhibbina wa bil-khalwatilleti khassasta biha sayyidal-mursalina hına asrarta bihi laylatas-sabi’I wal-ıshrina an tarhama qalbiya-l hazina wa tujiba da’wati ya akram-al akramin” surely Allah (swt) accepts his prayer, exalts his glory, has mercy on his supplication and revives his heart on the day that hearts die.” (Sheikh Abdulrahman al-Safoori: Nuzhat al-Majalis: 1/141)
Hasan Basri (ra) says:
“When it was the 27th of Rajab, Abdullah bin Abbas (ra) used to enter itikaf in the morning and kept praying (salah) till the karahat time before dhuhr prayer. After performing the last sunnah of dhuhr, he prayed four rakats of nafilah prayer and recited Fatihah, Falaq, Nas and three times surah al Qadr and 51 times surah al Ihklas. After that, he kept supplicating till the asr time and said “Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to do so.” (Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani: Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq: 1/332)
“Prophet Muhammad said:
“Whosoever fasts the 27th of Rajab, he is rewarded with the reward of 60 years’ fasting.”
The 27th of Rajab is the day which Jibril brought wahy and prophethood to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) for the first time, and also it is the day which Isra and Miraj miracles happened.” (Imam Gazali: Ihya Ulum al- Din: 1/328; Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani: Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq: 1/332)
“There is a night and a day in the month Rajab that whoever spends that day fasting and the night worshipping, he gets the reward of 100 days of which the mornings were spent fasting and the nights worshipping. That is the 27th of Rajab.” (Bayhaqi: Shuab al Iman: 5/ 345, no: 3530; Sheikh Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani: Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq: 1/332)
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
Whosoever fasts and gives sadaqa on the 27th of Rajab, Allah (swt) re wards him with 1000 hasana and thawab of freeing 2000 slaves in return for his fast.” (Sheikh Abdulrahman al-Safoori: Nuzhat al-Majalis: 1/141) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is “Lailat al Miraj”?
Allah knows the best…
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Abdal Rasheed said on "6.16.2012 19:33" :

thanks for valuble informations.