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Despite the Progress of Civilization Why is There a Decline in Human Morality?
We see a serious decline in individual’s
morals despite the progress of humanity in science and civilization. People
have lost their trust in each other. What is the reason for this?
In this era a materialist philosophy prevails which distances people from spiritual values and faith and therefore causes serious decline in morals. The only way to prevent this decline is through people who were brought up with the light of Quran and their character is the character of Quran.
When we look at the human model presented by the Quran compared to the materialist system the difference between them is obvious.
Human Model Presented by the Quran
Human Model Presented by Materialism |
He does not bother to worship anything other than Allah. He does not even seek heaven as a gain in his worships. |
He condescends to even the most worthless things for a small gain or satisfaction to the degree of worship. It is as if he takes on idols. |
He has got soft demeanor and a strong character. |
He is stubborn and obstinate. He accepts all kinds of vileness just to get the smallest pleasure with his obstinacy. |
He is contented; he knows his impotence and weakness in Allah’s presence. |
He is greedy, full of himself and conceited.
He is strong because he leans on Allah’s endless power in the face of all events. |
He can’t find a strong point in his heart or in himself against the events that he faces. |
He takes on all humanity as brothers and sisters and sees his brothers’ and sisters’ benefits above his own benefits.
He is a deceitful person who puts his personal gains in front of societies’ gains. He only worries about himself and works for himself.
He works and acts just for Allah for His sake and to gain His love for virtue and grace.
His struggle and work are only to satisfy himself and his desires, appetite and demands. |
The wisdom and ethics of Quran have given us great personalities like Mawlana, Imam Ghazali, Shakh-i Nakshiband and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.
Materialist system and ethics produces people like Hitler, Lenin, Hassan Sabbah Mao and other people with vile personality. And it is still producing. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Despite the Progress of Civilization Why is There a Decline in Human Morality?
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