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What is Hurmat-i Musahara?
is the marriage forbiddance? Who are those forbidden ones for marriage?
Hurmat-i Musahara means “marriage forbiddance” with the relatives (such as mother-in-law, father-in-law) occurring upon the marriage.
According to Imam Shafi hurmat-i musahara doesn’t take place by only touching or looking without lust if one trusts himself but it is better not to trust and according to Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal it doesn’t take place before the intercourse takes place.
The Hanafi Ulama say that touching a member of the opposite sex establishes a relation with the touched person’s ancestors and descendants if the touch was accompanied by lust during the touching itself. The touching must been direct skin-to-skin contact, without a barrier (unless the barrier was so thin that it does not prevent feeling body heat).
According to Abu Hanifa, committing fornication with a woman or touching any part of her with lust, even if by forgetting or by mistake, according to the Hanafi and the Hanbali Madhhabs causes Hurmat-i musahara. That is, it becomes eternally haram for the man to marry this woman's daughters or her mother by blood or in virtue of nursing and also, for the woman to marry the man's son or father. [If hurmat-i musahara takes place between a man and his daughter the nikah between the girl's mother, that is, the man's wife, and the man does not become annulled. The woman cannot marry someone else. The man has to divorce the wife. It becomes an eternal haram for him to remain married with the woman. If hurmat-i musahara happens between a man and his mother-in-law, the son-in-law will have to divorce his wife. The son-in-law cannot marry this woman again eternally.
It is permissible for a person who trusts himself to shake hands with an old woman or to kiss her hand if she is old enough not to arouse lust, but it is better not to do so. Kissing, touching a woman with lust or looking at her sexual organ is enough for hurmat-i is musahara to take place. Then it is eternally haram to marry her mother, grandmother, daughter or granddaughter. It is the same for the man also. Kissing, touching a man with lust or looking at her sexual organ is enough for hurmat-i musahara to take place. Then it is eternally haram to marry her father, grandfather, son or grandson. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is Hurmat-i Musahara?