" Salah (Prayer) "
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Can I wear blackcolored dress during salah?
Can I wear blackcolored dress during salah? What are the conditions of clothing during salah?
There is no obstacle to wear black dress during salah as far as it meets the conditions below:
Conditions of dress worn during salah are;
-It should be clean,
-It shouldn’t be transparent.
-It should cover the awrah (private parts)
-It shouldn’t be so tight.
“It is mandub to wear black dress.” (Fatawa al Hindiyya, 14; 409)
Our blessed Prophet (pbuh) did not insist on any color about his dress. He (pbuh) wore various colors in various times such as white, black, yellow, green. However, he (pbuh) prefered white color because of the hot climate and recommended Muslims to do so, as well. (Shamail of Our Prophet; The Dressing Style of Our Prophet; 121) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Can I wear blackcolored dress during salah?