" Salah (Prayer) "
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Is It Necessary to Make up Missed Witr Prayers?
Could you explain the ruling for missed witr prayers according to four madhabs?
Abu Said (ra) reports that: “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) stated that:
"If one of you sleeps [past the time of] the witr prayer or he forgets it, he should pray it as soon as he wakes up." (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
It is obligatory (wajib) for a person who misses witr prayer intentionally or forgetfully even it has been a long time. It is not permissible to make up it without the intention of “witr”. (Al Fatawa al Hindiyye)
According to the Hanafis; it is wajib to make up witr prayer that was missed intentionally or forgetfully even it has been a long time.
According to the Hanbalis; it is sunnah to make up a missed witr prayer with “shaf” prayer.
According to the Shafis, it is sunnah to make up a missed prayer. Like all the nafila (supererogatory) prayers that have fixed times, it is sunnah to make up missed witr prayers. (Islamic Fiqh according to Four Madhabs)
According to the Malikis, if a person wakes up and has enough time just to take wudu and pray two rakahs, he should not pray witr; he should just pray two rakahs of fajr. As to two sunnah rakahs of fajr prayer, he delays them to the time that is between the halal time for nafila (supererogatory) prayers and the zawal time.
When a person wakes up, if he has enough time to take wudu and pray three rakahs including the fajr (dawn) salah, he prays both witr and the fard rakahs of fajr, but abandons the shaf and delays the sunnah rakahs of fajr.
If he has enough time to pray five rakahs including fajr prayer, in this case he prays both the shaf prayer and the witr and the fard of the fajr delaying its sunnah; however, if he has enough time to pray seven rakahs, then he performes all of the salahs. (shaf, witr, fajr with sunnah and fard) (Islamic Fiqh According to Four Madhabs) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Is It Necessary to Make up Missed Witr Prayers?