" Salah (Prayer) " No comments


 Straighten the rows regarding the alignment of the heels or tips of toes?

While straightening the rows of a congregational prayer, do we consider the rhyme of the tips of the toes being in a straight line or the rhyme of the heels?


Straightening the rows requires straightening it with the alignment of heels

While straightening the rows of a congregational prayer, it is essential to regard the alignment of the heels to straighten the rows, because if the alignment of the tips of toes is regarded, as the sizes of all feet are different, the rows will be irregular and crooked. (Çağımız ve Günümüz Meselelerine Fetvalar) (Fatwas for Modern Issues)) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Straighten the rows regarding the alignment of the heels or tips of toes?

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