" Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence "
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Are animal toys and dolls forbidden in Islam?
Is it allowed to have animal toys for children? which have an image?
Images used by children for playing and for learning are lawful
Although sculptures are forbidden, toys are allowed in Islam as they are a means for education and constructive play and are free from the danger of being venerated.
Our Prophet let children play with animal toys and dolls
On the authority of Aisha (ra), that she said:
“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) saw amongst them (dolls) a horse with two wings from scraps of cloth. He (pbuh) said: What is this which I see amongst them (dolls)? She said: A horse. He asked: What is upon it? She said: Two wings. He (pbuh) asked (in astonishment): A horse with two wings? She said: Didn't you hear that Sulaiman (Solomon - AS) had horses with wings? She said: Then he (pbuh) laughed until I saw his molar teeth. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Nasai)
`Aishah said: “I used to play with dolls in front of the Prophet (pbuh) with my friends …” (Bukharî; Muslim) as these are a means for education and constructive play and are free from the danger of being venerated.
There is a consensus among the scholars that it is permissible for children to have animal toys
Scholars commonly agree that toys are allowed for the kids. (Ibn Abidin)
Because the purpose of toys is the education of children. (al Jaziri) In other words, they are not used for evil purposes.
The great famous Maliki scholar Qadi Iyad says it is commonly accepted among the scholars that toys are exceptions of the forbidden images like sculptures. (Islamic Fiqh Encyclopedia)
The toy images are not haram. (Halil Günenç)
However, we’d like to remind that, although Muslim children can play with many of the same toys as their non-Muslim counterparts, it's nice to have toys that were made specifically for Muslims. With Islamic toys, we don't have to worry about inappropriate clothing or language or questionable morals. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Are animal toys and dolls forbidden in Islam?