" Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence "
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Is It Permissible to Mention the Bad Deeds of The Dead?
It is not permissible to mention the bad deeds of a Muslim after his death even if he is sinful (fasiq).
“Mention the good deeds of your dead and keep away from their bad deeds.” (Tirmidhi)
The expression of “your dead” in the hadith indicates that the dead whom Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) forbade to talk about are the Muslims. According to the scholars, since it is possible for a sinner (fasiq) to have repented (make tawba) before his death, it is not permissible to mention the bad deeds of any Muslim even he is a sinner.
However, infidels, the hypocrites, those who commit sin obviously and people of bad innovations are out of this prohibion.There is nothing wrong with mentioning their bad deeds after their death; because Muslims draw a lesson through their bad deeds and try to protect themselves from sharing the same awful doom.
(Sunan-I Abu Dawud) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Is It Permissible to Mention the Bad Deeds of The Dead?