" Miraj "
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Regarding Miraj journey, does it not sound as if Allah had stayed in a specific place and direction?
According to the Ahl al-Sunnah school of Islamic belief, Allah is free from being in a place and direction. Regarding Miraj journey, does it not sound as if Allah had stayed in a specific place and direction?
No, it does not. Allah Almighty is free from place, directions and being similar to His creatures. As stated in the Qur’an, Allah is closer to man than his neck-vein. Yet, as it is stated in hadith there are seventy thousands curtains between Allah and his worshippers. That is, although Allah is closer, the worshippers are barred with curtains. So Miraj is a journey that was held not because Allah was there but because the Prophet ought to transcend those seventy curtains and gain the ability to meet with Allah. People of the paradise will see Allah’s limitless beauty and become the interlocutors to His address when the curtains are lifted. However, pointed out by the hadith: “the roof of the paradise is the Arsh”, the paradise is under the Arsh (the throne). The Muslim scholars have declared that this meeting in the Paradise will happen without place and direction. In short, Allah Almighty is neither in a place beyond the Arsh nor in the Paradise. He is closer to everything than everything is close to itself and free from the place in a way that we cannot conceive and comprehend. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Regarding Miraj journey, does it not sound as if Allah had stayed in a specific place and direction?