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 Why does not Quran mention about the branches of science clearly but alludes to them?


It hastwo main reasons:
• First of all; the Holy Quran is not meant to be a science book, it is a bookof worship. For example; Quran does not mention the sun in order to inform ofits scientific facts; but to inform the people of the omnipotence of itsCreator, Allah and direct them to worship.
• As the Quran is a book of worship, It addresses each level of mankind and alllevels of understanding. If the Quran only mentioned the scientific subjectselaborately, It would be a scientific book just addressing to the scientistsand the people having less scientific knowledge would not benefit from theQuran as they wish, that’s why the Qur’an would pertain only to a certain groupof people.
So, in order not to deprive anybody of understanding, Quran refers to scienceand technology indirectly in some verses, while mentioning clearly in someothers. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Why does not Quran mention about the branches of science clearly but alludes to them?

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