" Revealed Books "
Why Does Allah Use the Pronoun “We” Instead of “I” Referring to Himself in Some Verses?
If Allah is the only one God, why does He use the pronoun "we"instead of "I" referring to Himself in the Quran?
• First of all, with the affirmation and witness of the whole universe, from the smallest atoms to the largest stars; there is no doubt in the fact that “Allah (swt) is the only one God.”
• In the Quran, the usage of the plural noun referring to Allah is only seen for “the first person.” Yet, whenever the second and the third personal pronouns are mentioned referring to Allah (swt), always the singular person is used in the verses such as “you, He, Him, His… etc.”
“How can you disbelieve in Allah? Seeing that you were dead and He gave you life. Then He will give you death, then again will bring you to life (on the Day of Resurrection) and then unto Him you will return.” (Baqara, 28)
• However, the usage of both plural and singular pronouns referring to Allah (swt) are seen only in the first person such as “I, me, we, our”.
But the essential point to which we must pay attention is that “we” doesn’t come to mean plural in these verses. It is used as “royal we” for which many languages including Arabic, English, Hebrew and Persian provide the usage. “Royal we” is used for singular person displaying the meanings of royalty and grandness.
So, “we” used to refer Allah in the verses, doesn’t indicate the plural of the noun. Rather it displays the majesty, grandness, the endless power of Allah (swt) and sometimes anger and wrath for the sinners and criminals.
If we take attention to the verses, we’ll clearly see that the usage of “the royal we” is appropriate and necessary in accordance with the context of the surah.
“ We created you, then why do you believe not?
Then tell Me (about) the human semen that you emit. Is it you who create it, or are We the Creator?”
We have decreed death to you all, and We are not unable,
To transfigure you and create you in (forms) that you know not.” (Al Waqıa 57, 58, 59, 60, 61)
In these verses, it is obvious that “We created” doesn’t mean that there are more than one Creator. Rather, it emphasizes the wrath of Allah for the disbelievers and His majesty and endless power to underline that He is the only Creator.
Besides, as seen in the following verses, singular pronoun is also used in the first person:
“ (My Beloved! O Muhammad!) If My servants ask of Me to you, there is no doubt that I am very close (to them). I answer the supplication of the suppliant when he prays to Me; therefore they should also comply (to My call) for My sake and believe in Me so that they may find the true path.” (Al Baqara 186)
In this verse, Allah (swt) speaks about His servants and emphasizes His mercy for them by the usage of “I”.
• Another point is that Allah (swt) sometimes uses “means” for the revelation. The one who brings and transmits the revelation to the prophet is the angel Gabriel. But the only source of the verse is Allah (swt).
“(My beloved! O Muhammad!) Without a doubt We have sent down to you this Book with the truth so that you may judge between people in a way that which Allah has shown you.” (Nisaa, 105)
In this verse, “we” indicates the existence of a “means” in the revelation. But in the sentence “Allah has shown you.” the subject is single and displays that the source of the revelation is only Allah (swt), the unique creator of all. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Why Does Allah Use the Pronoun “We” Instead of “I” Referring to Himself in Some Verses?

Ahmed Sedat said on "6.7.2011 02:24" :

Thanx for the clear explanation.May Allah be pleased with you

Masseh Achikzay said on "7.10.2011 14:41" :

I get it. Sometimes queen say that e.g. we are not amused. When she only means herself.

Naseef bin Nazly said on "11.30.2011 19:55" :

Masah Allah.. Ilike this site... i recommend you all to continue this... Jazakallahu Khair

aQkhCrxfRYU said on "2.8.2012 19:41" :

u are doing a ralely great job MashAllah.. amazing articles.. May Allah bless u for this good work..

Matt said on "7.28.2012 23:53" :

I can agree with the "royal we" aspect, but I still think it implies the "larger I". That is, if Allah has a spirit (Al-Hijr 29) and Allah has His Word (An-Nisa 171), then when I read the context, when "we" is spoken, it is usually a "grander" view of Allah (i.e., His wholeness, if you will). Whereas when "I" is spoken, it is Allah himself doing some action--not the Word or Spirit doing some action. Isn't this how Christians view Allah also? As one God but three persons/aspects?

Abby said on "3.5.2013 07:24" :

We is used by the helpers of Allah, sura 35-1 mention the creation of angels. Why would Allah create angels or even us, unless Allah had a use. By interpreting the ... Royal WE to helpers or angels the Beautiful Quran come alive.