" Salah (Prayer) "
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Could We Perform Salah in a Room Which has a Picture?
Can salah be performed in a room wherein there is a picture or a photo?
We can divide “pictures” and “photos” in two groups: One is the group of animate beings; the other is of lifeless things.
Our Beloved Prophet said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture," (Muslim).
In another hadith He (pbuh) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there are statues (sculptures) or pictures," (Muslim)
Based on these hadiths, scholars declared the provision of performing salah in a room where there is a picture or a photo as following:
It is makruh (abominable) to have photos and pictures of animals or humans in the room where salah is performed or on a visible part of the cloth. (Durr-i Suncide)
Pictures mustn’t be kept opposite a person who is performing salah. (Ancyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence)
This provision is valid for the pictures of “animate, living things” such as humans and animals.
But it is not makruh to have pictures of “lifeless” things in a room or on a cloth.
However, as a way out of this, we can remove or cover pictures during salah; but it is better not to keep them (visible on the walls or etc.) in our houses. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Could We Perform Salah in a Room Which has a Picture?