" Salah (Prayer) "
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How to perform missed witr prayer according to Maliki madhab?
When is the proper time to make up missed witr prayer according to Maliki madhab?
According to Maliki school of thought, salat al witr is sunnah al muakkadah. Moreover, it is the strongest sunnah after salat al tawaf and salat al umrah.
For Maliki school of thought, if a person wakes up and sees that there is enough time just to perform wudu and perform two rakats of salah before sunrise, then he does not pray witr. He only prays the two rakats of fard al fajr and postpones the sunnah of fajr to a proper time that is halal for nafilah prayers.
If he has enough time to perform wudu and perform three rakats of salah including salat al fajr, then he performs both salat al witr and fard al fajr. He abandons shaf and postpones sunnah of fajr.
If he has enough time to pray five rakahs including fajr prayer, in this case he prays both shaf prayer and witr and the fard of the fajr delaying its sunnah; however, if he has enough time to pray seven rakahs, then he performs all of the salahs. (shaf, witr, fajr with sunnah and fard)
However, it is not possible to make up missed salat al witr after praying fajr prayer, because, nafilah prayers; except for the two rakats of sunnah of fajr; are not compensated (qada). (Islamic Jurisprudence According to the Four Sunni Schools) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - How to perform missed witr prayer according to Maliki madhab?