" Zakat (Alms) "
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Is it obligatory to pay zakat for plots?
I bought 5 plots and if I get good rate for the plots i will sell them and buy any other property which will be used for my daughters’ marriage in the future. Should ı pay zakat for these lands?
Anything purchased with an intention to sell or trade is regarded as “Merchandise” or “Trade-Goods” and all of the four madhabs (schools of thoughts) and the scholars are in consensus that it is obligatory for the Muslims to give the zakat of the merchandise that you have been keeping over one year.
As to the plots;
If a plot is purchased with the intention to resell- since it is regarded as “merchandise- it is obligatory to pay zakat for it. However, there are different opinions about how to pay. According to the Maliki madhab, it is obligatory when you sell the plot. As long as you keep the plot and do not sell, you aren’t obliged to give its zakat. When you sell it, you have to pay the zakat of the money you get- of course provided that one year passes over it. However, according to the Hanafis, Shafis and Hanbalis, it is obligatory to pay the zakat of such a plot every year, as long as you keep it.
On the other hand, if a plot is purchased with an intention to build a house on, it is not obligatory to pay its zakat.
As a conclusion, since you have bought the plots to sell in the future, they are “merchandise”. If you are a Maliki Muslim, you aren’t obliged to pay its zakat every year; however, if you follow another madhab, then it is obligatory for you to keep on paying the zakat of your plots. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Is it obligatory to pay zakat for plots?