" Zakat (Alms) "
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What is Nisab?
is an İslamic Fiqh term which is used for some kinds of worship such as zakat, fitr, qurban and for some rulings in Islam such as the determination of the penalty of theft.
is the amount of wealth which makes a Muslim liable for zakat and qurban (sacrifice).
is the minimum amount that is required for a person to have for being regarded as “
” in Islam. It is the minimum limit of richness.
In other words, people whose wealth exceeds the amount of nisab are regarded as “
” in Islam and they are liable for paying zakat and sacrificing qurban. However, people whose wealth is below the amount of nisab are considered as “poor” in Islam and they are entitled to receive zakat, zakat al fitr and sadaqah.
, the minimum limit of richness, was determined by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) considering the average standard of living and the criterion of richness of the community of that time.
The amounts of nisab stated in the hadiths can be listed as follows;
80,18 grams of gold or its equivalent in cash or goods, 40 sheep or goats, 30 cattle, 5 camels.
It is clear that these goods which are used to determine the amount of nisab used to be the most common means of richness in that era. The determination of nisab based on these goods was maintained in the future periods when the social and economic conditions did not change so much. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What is Nisab?