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The Situation Of Those Who Rebel Against Parents in the Hereafter
What will be the stiuation of those who rebel against parents in the hereafter?
He Who Disobeys Parents Will Not Even Smell the Fragrance of Jannah
"Will never smell the fragrance of Paradise, the one who disobeys parents, yet its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of five hundred years journey.” (Tabarani)
He who disobeys parents will not taste the blessings of paradise
"Four classes of people will be prevented from entering Paradise nor will they taste its blessing as Allah decreed: the drunkard, the usurer, the one who appropriates the orphan's property without a lawful cause and the one who was disobedient to his parents.” (Hakim)
"Three people, Allah will deprive them of Paradise; the drunkard, the one who shows disrespect to his parents and the pimp who admits what his family do of abomination” (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Muslim)
“Whosoever disobeys parents cannot enter the paradise.” (Nasai) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - The Situation Of Those Who Rebel Against Parents in the Hereafter