Articles tagged as " father "

Totally 5 articles have been tagged as " father "

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The Situation Of Those Who Rebel Against Parents in the Hereafter

What will be the stiuation of those who rebel against parents in the hereafter? 4.17.2011 23:16

Which Behaviors Are Disobedience Against Parents?

4.14.2011 00:17

Is a Person Obliged to Love His Parents Although They Live in Another City?

Dear Ask a Question to us Team,  I have a friend who have problems with his father and he asks this question: "Does a man have to love his parents although they live in another city?" 1.6.2010 22:49

Is a Person Obliged to Love His Parents Although They Live in Another City?

Dear Ask a Question to us Team,  I have a friend who have problems with his father and he asks this question: "Does a man have to love his parents although they live in another city?" 1.31.2010 00:20

Is Man’s Coming to the Earth Determined by His Parents?

Is there an influence of the parents of people come into the world? Namely, can it be hindered or delayed by some ways? 12.1.2010 18:49


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