" Sawm (Fasting) "
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Do injection and vaccination invalidate the fast?
Is my fast broken when I’m injected medicine while I’m fasting?
There are different opinions about this issue:
According to Imam Azam;
As taking anything into the stomach through a natural channel like mouth invalidates the fast, taking or injecting anything into the body through a non-natural channel by piercing it (like injection) also breaks the fast.
However, Abu Yusuf (ra), Abu Muhammad (ra) and Imam Shafi (ra) take the view that taking and injecting anything into the body through a non-natural channel do not invalidate the fast.
(Fatwas for the Current Matters, Halil Gonenc)
“Injection, nasal and ear instillation invalidate the fast and require the fast to be compensated.” (Great Islamic Jurisprudence, Omar Nasuhi Bilmen)
According to the Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs, “Since it is not like eating and drinking, injections which do not provide nourishment and delight do not invalidate the fast.”
However, as there is a dispute among the scholars about this issue, the most proper to preserve the validity of fast is to be caution about injection and if possible, to delay it till the iftar. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Do injection and vaccination invalidate the fast?