" Sawm (Fasting) "
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Is my fast broken when I have wet dream (ihtilam)?
While I was fasting, I had a wet dream. Is my fast broken?
Wet dreams (ihtilam) do not invalidate (break) the fast, because it happens unwillingly. On such an occasion, ghusl (full ablution) must be performed before the prayer time is over. (Jalal Yildirim, Islamic Fiqh with Sources)
If a person has a wet dream, his fast is not broken. (Al Ikhtiyar)
How to perform ghusl while fasting?
When a person has to perform ghusl while fasting, he must be careful not to get water in his nose and mouth. Therefore, it is advised to delay gargling and sniffing water up the nose for the fast-breaking time. Scholars state that it is makruuh (disliked) to go too far while getting water in the nose and mouth even in wudu. (partial ablution).
“If a Muslim who wakes up junub gets water in his mouth and nose while performing ghusl, his fast is broken and he has to compensate it. Therefore, a Muslim should be careful not to wake up junub or not to get in water while performing ghusl.” (Shamil Islamic Encyclopedia) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Is my fast broken when I have wet dream (ihtilam)?