" Sawm (Fasting) "
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To make up missed fasts first or start nafila fast?
Is it acceptable to fast in Shawwal when a number of Ramadan days have not been fasted due to illness. Does one redeem the obligatory fastings first before embarking on the Shawwal?
The ruling of nafila fasting is different according to the madhabs
It is not makruh to perform nafila fasting for a person who has missed obligatory fast to compensate. (Great Islamic Jurisprudence)
According to the Hanafi madhab, a person who has obligatory fasts to compensate can perform nafila fasting.
However, according to the Shafi and Malliki schools of thought, it is makruh (abominable) to fast nafila sawm before making up the missed obligatory fasts.
Maliki school of thought says that:
“It is makruh for a person who has wajib (compulsory) fasts such as qadha to perform nafila fast.”
Shafi school of thought says that:
“For a person who has missed obligatory fasts, it is makruh to perform even one day of nafila fast.” (Islamic Jurisprudence According to the Four Sunni Schools) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - To make up missed fasts first or start nafila fast?