" Sawm (Fasting) " No comments


 What if a fasting girl has a sexual intercourse or is raped?

If a fasting girl is raped, is her fast broken?


If a fasting girl or a woman has a sexual intercourse whether intentionally or not, her fast is broken.

If it is a fast other than Ramadan, she just has to perform qadha for her broken fast, in other words she has to re-fast the missed day to make up.

However, if it is a Ramadan fast;

If she has the sexual intercourse intentionally and willingly, she has to perform both qadha and kaffarah (to fast for 60 consecutive days for an intentionally broken fast; expiation fast) for her broken fast.

But if she has been forced to have an intercourse, she just has to perform qadha for the broken fast, because she doesn’t break her fast intentionally and willingly, on the contrary she is forced to break it. (Fatawa al Hindiyya) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What if a fasting girl has a sexual intercourse or is raped?

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