" Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence "
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What Is the Provision for Reciting Adhan into the ear of Newborn While Naming Him?
Where does reciting adhan to a newborn’s right ear while naming him come from? Is there such a thing in Islam?
It is sunnah to recite adhan and qamah into the children’s ears before naming him. And it is of those sunnahs that prophet advised strongly. Rasulullah recited adhan into the ear of his grandson Hasan. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ahmad Musnad)
Rasulullah (saw) said: “Whoever recites adhan to a newborn baby’s right ear and qamah to the left ear, this baby will be protected against the eclampsia and protected from the evil.” (Abu Ya’la, Bayhaki, Ibn Hajar, Musnad)
“You will be called by your names on the day of judgment and by your father’s names, thus give good names.” (Abu Dawud)
In this hadith, “you will be called by your names” part is for encouraging Ummah to give good names to their children. So it comes from Islam to recite adhan to the right ear of the newborn before naming him. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Is the Provision for Reciting Adhan into the ear of Newborn While Naming Him?