" Salah (Prayer) "
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Do We Have to pray One more Rakah If We reach the first ruku while praying in congregation?
For example, while praying in congregation I happen to be a little bit late but managed to catch the first ruku. But when ruku is caught, surah Fatiha of the first rakah is left unread. In this situation do I have to pray one more rakahs since Fatiha is left unread and when you don’t read Fatiha in each rakahs your salah is not complete?
Once the individual who wishes to perform the prayer in unison with jamaah (congregation) manages to reach the salah while the imam is doing ruku, he is not considered to miss that rakah. This means he doesn’t need to perform one more rakahs. But if he/she reaches the imam doing Sajdah, this means he missed this rakah and he must perform one more rakah for the missed first rakah.
According to Shafi school of thought (Madhab); if an individual reaches to perform his salah in unison with the congregation, it is wajib for him to go to ruku with imam. This way he doesn’t need to recite Fatiha. This rakah of him considered as authentic only if he is sure of reaching this rakah. If it is the contrary, then his rakah is considered as he missed it since he is not sure of it. Thus he prays one more rakah after the imam’s salam in order to complete the missed rakah. (Islamic Fiqh according to four school of thought) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Do We Have to pray One more Rakah If We reach the first ruku while praying in congregation?