" Allah (s.w.t) "
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What Are The Evidences of The Existence And Oneness of God?
What are the evidences that prove the existence and oneness of Allah (swt)?
The evidences of the existence and the oneness of God are more than the numbers of the particles of the universe; therefore, although it seems easy to deny, it is not too easy in the face of so many evidences.
Here are a few examples of evidences of existence and oneness of Allah (swt) in the universe:
A letter is an evidence for its writer rather than its own existence
A perfectly ordered and splendid palace indicates a perfect act; a perfect act demonstrates a perfect owner of that act, a doer; a perfect doer points a perfect attribute, in other words proficiency in art that indicates a talent demonstrating a lofty soul and a supreme Entity.
As a murdered one indicates a murderer; an art points an artist and a lower part signifies a higher part; likewise, the existences of the universe in large amounts demonstrate their being created by a Single Entity and their subsequently coming into existence indicates an Eternal Creator who has always existed and will always exist.
Each action indicates the existence of a performer and describes him
When we observe the universe, we notice that it functions in the appearance of a magnificent palace. The sun and the moon are the lights of this palace; the stars are the candles. Anything ranging from the subatomic particles to the sun serves thehumanbeings who are the blessed guests of this palace. When we do not observe this universe in the name of Allah (swt), it converts into a dungeon.
Do you think that sun rises because it feels pity for the dwellers of the earth? Are those the clouds that have mercy for the others so that bestow upon them? Or did the oxygen and the hydrogen decide to form water because they contemplated the situation of the people, the animals and the plants and perceived their extreme need? You see how things become absurd when considered out of faith. Whereas such a gorgeous compassionate fills the universe that warms our souls and fills even our hearts. However, since the imprudent and ruthless eyes which are not able to see the facts do not observe the universe in the name of Allah, they vulgarize the miraculous functions and attributes and consider them as the acts of unintelligent, unconscious and blind elements. Thus, they live hell in the heavenly world.
The regular action:
Feeding with the best food that is milk
The one affected by the action:
Infant people and animals
The perfect Performer:
Allah (swt)
The excellent attribute:
Mercy and compassion
The regular action:
The one affected by the action:
All plants, animals and people on the earth
The perfect Performer:
Allah (swt)
The excellent attribute:
The Merciful, the Compassionate
The regular action:
Feeding, addressing the needs, bestowing
The one affected by the action:
All creatures
The perfect Performer:
Allah (swt)
The excellent attribute:
Razzaq (Sustainer, Provider), Rahman (The Merciful) and Compassionate
Artful splendid creatures come into existence abundantly, but rapidly and easily and precious creatures appears in great amounts
All needs, even the tiniest, of all existences are provided without ever being forgotten; all wishes are heard and all desires are answered
Everything comes into existence in perfection; the equipment of a creature in the first creation is the same as it is today; perfect from the beginning to end…
The result is much more valuable and artful than the cause; the strong one cannot be built upon the weak one
Unconscious creatures fulfill splendid duties with quite conscious and high purposes
All creatures have both physical and spiritual equipments
All existences perform glorious deeds
Universe is an indivisible whole; the mathematical law in the atom is the same as in the solar system
Splendid arts emerge from utmost single and small matters
There is a unity in the universe
There is a magnificent harmony with no wastage in the universe
The whole universe is in a solidarity and cooperation for the sake of the same purpose
Each human has a different face
The earth has been designed in the most appropriate way for its dwellers
“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!”
(Surah al-Rad, 28)
As a conclusion;
Each particle of the universe is an evidence for the existence and oneness of God.
Besides, each prophet and wali is an evidence of the existence and oneness of Allah (swt); because all of them affirmed the same fact:”God and hereafter exist.” In order to deny the existence of God, one thousands of prophets and one millions of walis who have proved the fact of faith with their lives and their great morals, acuteness, character and wisdom have to be disproved and refuted, which is impossible.
Moreover, in order to deny the existence of God, Quran which has not been able to be imitated and be destroyed since 14 centuries needs to be refuted; because it declares that “God exists and He is one!” with each of Its letters and with its 350.000 interpretations.
In other words, the deniers have to refute millions of evidences that surround every particle of the universe including past and eternity; which is impossible to do… Therefore “denial” is nothing but a delusion.
As a matter of fact, it is not enough to deny only the aforementioned evidences. They need to deny the existence of “human” and “universe” and “mind” in order to deny faith and justify their denial; because “If God does not exist, nothing exists; if He exists, everything exists!...”
For detailed information, you can read our article entitled "Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Are The Evidences of The Existence And Oneness of God?us/article/allah/evidences-of-the-existence-and-oneness-of-god">Evidences of the Existence and Oneness of God"