" Shaban "
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What Should We Do in the Month of Shaban?
Which worships should we perform to welcome the month of Shaban?
As Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is the most virtuous of the prophets, even His month (Shaban) is the most virtuous among the months.
Since Shaban is the month of Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we can recite most salutation (Salawat) in this month.
We can fast on Mondays and Thursdays of Shaban
Our beloved Prophet (pbuh)’s most beloved fasts among others were in the month of Shaban.
I asked himself Prophet (pbuh):
“You fast most on the month of Shaban.”
He commanded:
O Aishah! This month is such a month that the names of all people who are going to die in the coming year are given to Azrail (The Angel of Death). I wish, if my name given, I must be in a state of fasting. (Bukhari)
We can give charity (sadaqah) as much as possible
Anas (ra) narrates;
“Which fast is the most virtuous after the fasts of Ramadan?”
He (pbuh) replied:
“Fasts of Shaban in honor of Ramadan.”
Which sadaqah is the most virtous?
Sadaqah which is given in Ramadan. (Tirmidhi)
Since Shaban is the month of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we should recite most salutation (Salawat) in this month
As Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is the most virtuous of the prophets, even His month (Shaban) is the most virtuous among the months.
It is commanded in the Quran that:
"Verily, Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O you who believe, ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace." (Surat-ul Ahzab, 56)
“Allah sends ten blessings upon him who recites Salawat (salutations) on Me once. (Al-Ghunyat’ut-Talibin)
One of the Scholars of this time Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says:
“Each Salutation (Salawat) recited on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a means to attain the mercy of the Most Merciful One.” (The Flashes)
We can be busy with Quranic knowledge
“If someone dies while seeking knowledge, he meets Allah (swt) such raised that just the prophethood degree remains between prophets and himself.” (Targib and Tarhib)
“A useful subject which a person has learned is more pleasant than 1000 rakah prayer (Salah) to me.” (Targib and Tarhib)
“Acquiring knowledge for one hour is better than worshipping through the night till morning and acquiring knowledge for one day is more precious than fasting for three months”. (Daylami)
"Allah, His angels and all those in Heavens and on Earth, even ants in their hills and fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct others in beneficial knowledge." (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 422)
We can put more Sunnah of Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) into practice in His month (Shaban)
“Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If you love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Surah Al-i Imran, 31)
One of the Scholars of this time Bediuzzaman Said Nursi says about the commentary of this ayah is;
“If you love Allah (swt), you will follow Allah’s Beloved (pbuh). If you do not follow him, it points to the conclusion that you do not love Allah (swt).”
If a person loves Allah, it entails following the practices of Allah’s (swt) Beloved (pbuh). Yes, the person who believes in Almighty Allah (pbuh) will certainly obey Him. And the most acceptable, the most direct, and the shortest among the ways of obeying Him is without doubt the way Allah’s Beloved (pbuh) showed and followed. (The Flashes)
We can ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness since the sins are forgiven in the Month of Shaban
“Shaban cleanses the sins, Ramadan purifies people who fast”. (Al-Ghunyat’ut-Talibin)
“When the month of Shaban comes, clean your nafs and do (your deeds) with good intensions during this month.” (Mukashafat al Qulub)
We should pray as much as we can on Shaban al Muazzam for forgiveness.
We should spend our time on worships as performing prayer (salah), fasting (sawm), giving charity (sadaqa) and reading Quran, in this way we can get ready for Ramadan. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Should We Do in the Month of Shaban?
Another question about this topic: 
Assalamu'alaikum, I would really appreciate to know if we can do a wedding reception during the month of Shabaan. Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Should We Do in the Month of Shaban? let's say 1oth
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,
Dear sister.
As the best example for mankind for every issue is Prophet Muhammad, we should go through his life to seek the answer for this question. When we observe the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we see that there is not a specific day or month appointed for marriage, wedding or zifaf. There is not an advice or a prohibition about the period either. It occurred upon the circumstances and conditions as the process requires. (Islamic Fiqh Encyclopedia)
Therefore, there is no objection to hold a wedding reception on the10th of Shaban.
Fiamanillah!... Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - What Should We Do in the Month of Shaban?
three months
fasting shaban
seek knowledge
worship in shaban
forgiveness in shaban
month of shaban
blessed month