" Shaban "
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The Significance of Fasting Shaban
Why do Muslims fast Shaban al Muazzam?
“Shaban was the most beloved month to Allah’s Prophet to fast in it. And he used to fast and connected it with Ramadan.”
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) revered a distinct speciality to the month of Shaban and He (pbuh) used to fast most of Shaban al Muazzam.
Also, he gave most advice and information about the significance of this month and he also performed himself what he said.
Definitely, the month of Shaban has a reason and an importance to get ready for the month of Ramadan. It is better to get ready for the month of Ramadan in Shaban al Muazzam in order to benefit from wealthy and spiritual (nimah) of Ramadan which Allah (swt) opens and prepares for His faithful Muslims.
Hence, Prophet (pbuh) generally fasted on most of the days of Shaban or sometimes fasted in the whole month of Shaban.
Another significant feature of the month of Shaban is that it consists of the night of Baraat (Laylat-ul Baraat) which has a distinct importance in Islam.
Most beloved fasts of the Prophet (pbuh) is fasting in the month of Shaban
Narrated Hazrat Aishah(ra);
I asked himself Prophet (pbuh):
“You fast most on the month of Shaban.”
He commanded:
O Aishah! This month is such a month that the names of all people who are going to die in the coming year are given to Azrail (The Angel of Death). I wish, if my name given, I must be in a state of fasting. (Bukhari)
In another narration Hazrat Aishah(ra):
“Shaban was the most beloved month to Allah’s Prophet to fast in it. And he used to fast and connected it with Ramadan.”
(Nasai, Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud)
Deeds are lifted up to the Lord of the Worlds
Usama (ra) said:
“O Messenger of Allah, I do not see you fasting in any other month like you fast in Shaban.”
Prophet (pbuh):
“That is a month of which people do not pay attention, between Rajab and Ramadan. In this month deeds are and lifted up and presented to the Lord of the Worlds. I wish my deeds to be lifted up when I am fasting.” (Nasai, Ahmad Bin Hanbal)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to fast entire Shaban and connected it with Ramadan.
Narrated by Ummu Salama (ra) :
“The Beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) didn’t fast any entire month –apart from Ramadan- of a year; However he used to fast entire Shaban month and connected it with Ramadan.” (Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Abu Dawud, Nasai, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)
Fasts of Shaban are the most meritorious after the fasts of Ramadan
Anas (ra) reports that Prophet (pbuh) was asked:
“Which fast is the most meritorious after the fasts of Ramadan?”
He (pbuh) replied:
“Fasts of Shaban in honor of Ramadan.” (Tirmidhi)
Whoever fasts in Shaban, Allah forbids the fires of hell
“He who fasts in Shaban, Allah (swt) will make his body forbidden to the fires of hell and will reward him in the same place as Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) (pbuh) and Allah (swt) will reward him the deeds of Ayyub (pbuh) and Dawood (pbuh). (Nuzhat-ul Majalis)
Fasting on 13,14 and 15th days of Shaban is very virtuous
“Fasting 13th of Shaban is like 3000 years of fast, fasting 14th of Shaban is like 3000 years of fast, fasting 15th of Shaban gets the rewards of 13000 years of fast.” (Suyuti)
Whoever fasts first thursday of Shaban, Allah (swt) puts him in Paradise
By Allah (swt) and His grace, paradise will be assured to him who spends the first Thursday of Shaban fasting (Nuzhat-ul Majalis)
Whoever spends whole month of Shaban by fasting Allah (swt) covers his sins on the day of Judgement
“If someone spends whole month of Shaban fasting, Allah (swt) makes the difficulties of death easy, removes darkness of the grave and the fear of the interrogation of the angels Munkar and Nakeer and covers his sins on the day of Judgement.” (Nuzhat-ul Majalis)
Allah (swt) will forgive past sins of him who fasts on Shaban
“When the night of the middle of Shabaan (the night of Baraat) comes, spend the night in pray and spend the day fasting, Allah descends to the lowest Heaven and says, “Is there anyone begging for forgiveness that I might forgive him? Is there anyone begging for sustenance that I may feed him? Is there any such and such?” This goes on until the break of dawn” (Ibn Majah)
“Cleanse your bodies by way of fasting during Shaban for the fasting during Ramadan.
Whoever fasts three days in the month of Shaban and recites Salawat on me before breaking-fast, Allah (swt) will forgive his past sins. Jibril (Gabriel) stated me that on this month, Allah (swt) definitely opens 300 doors of mercy and forgiveness.” (Nuzhat-ul Majalis) Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - The Significance of Fasting Shaban