" The Hereafter "
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How Will Our Deeds Be Weighed on the Day of Judgment?
"Whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then, And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then." (Surah al Zilzal; 7-8)
Weighing the deeds will take place after resurrection
On the Day of Judgement, first all death will resurrect after the blown of trumpet, gather on the field of mahshar, will be given their books, judged and after that, their deeds will be weighed on mizan.
Resurrection is coming to life again after death. The essential parts of the death will assemble, their souls will be replaced and the death will come out of their graves. After that, people will gather on the place of judgment in groups.
”And the trumpet is blown and lo! from the graves they hie unto their Lord,
Crying: Woe upon us! Who hath raised us from our place of sleep? This is that which the Beneficent did promise, and the messengers spoke truth.
It is but one Shout, and behold them brought together before Us!” (Surah al Yasin, 5)
Book of deeds
Book of deeds is the book where the rewards (thawabs) and sins of a person are written by angels during his lifetime. Even the smallest ones with the smallest details are recorded on the book of deeds.
Each man has his own book and he will be given it in the hereafter in his right hand or in his left hand or from his back depending on his belief and deeds. None of his deeds will remain hidden. He will see what he did in life and will not be able to reject the misdeeds he did.
“And every man's augury have We fastened to his own neck, and We shall bring forth for him on the Day of Resurrection a book which he will find wide open.” (Surah al Isra, 13)
“That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds.
And whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then,
And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then.” (Surah al Zilzal- 6, 7, 8)
“Then whoso is given his account in his right hand. He truly will receive an easy reckoning.” (Surah al Inshikak- 7, 8)
“But whoso is given his account behind his back, He surely will invoke destruction. And be thrown to scorching fire.” (Surah al Inshikak-10, 11, 12)
A hadith about the reckoning
After being given their books, each person will be questioned for their lives.
“There is no doubt that on the Day of Judgement Allah comes closer to His Mu’min (believer) slave, stretches His mercy over him and covers him. Then Allah (swt) orders:
“-O my slave! Do you know so and so sins you have committed?
“- Yes my Lord.”
Allah (swt) states each of his sins one by one, so that the slave concludes and says: “I’ve been ruined, I’ve been perished.”
Then, Allah (swt) says “I’ve covered these sins in the world and concealed them. And today I forgive them.”
Thereupon, the man who has been questioned is given his book that his rewards (thawabs) are written.
Allah (swt) calls out to the infidels and hypocrites in the middle of the whole folk: “These are they who deny their Lord! Beware! May Allah’s curse be upon them!” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Weighing the deeds
After people are given their books and questioned, their deeds will be weighed on mizan
Mizan is the process of weighing the amounts of deeds and also it is the scale used for this.
“The weighing on that day is the true (weighing). As for those whose scale is heavy, they are the successful.
And as for those whose scale is light: those are they who lose their souls because they used to wrong Our revelations.” (Surat-u Araf- 8, 9)
As seen in the ayahs below, the deeds written on the books will be weighed on mizan and according to the result those whose good deeds are heavier than their sins will enter jannah.
Mind is not capable enough to comprehend the process of weighing and the nature of the scale. Even though mizan, the scale, has been comprehended like an ordinary scale having two pans and two arms, and even though it has been portrayed as an ordinary scale, its original shape and nature is unknown.
Today, there are instruments to measure voice, motion and electricity. Mizan is an instrument which will weigh deeds in the most proper and the best way of which the shape is unknown to us.
Besides, in the ayahs, the word “mizan” is also used in the plural form “mevazin”.
The plural use of the word "mizan" gives different ideas about the process of weighing deeds.There are several interpretations about the meaning of this plural usage:
The plural form is used to glory the dignity of the “mizan”.
Or to express the multitude of people.
Or it indicates that there will be separate scales for each person.
Or deeds concerning the hearts will be weighed on a different scale, ones concerning the words on a different scale and deeds of the organs will be weighed on another scale.
Or it is pluralized because mizan has many parts and many details.
a) What will be weighed on mizan are the books of deeds. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir )
b) The good deeds will be weighed transforming into good and luminous appearances and the misdeeds will be weighed transforming into ugly appearances. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir )
c) Man will be weighed first with his good deeds on his back and then with his misdeeds on his back. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir )
As a conclusion, we are certainly sure and completely believe in the existence and the reality of “mizan”; however we do not exactly know how the deeds will be weighed and how the nature of the mizan is.
A sincere intention can convert a small deed into an enormous reward that will weigh heavier than many deeds
Narrated Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra);
“Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wassallam) said, "The deeds are considered by the intentions, and a person will get the reward according to his intention.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Niyah (intention) converts a simple action to worship and converts a worship performed with the intention of pride to a sin. Intention is the soul animating the action. The size of the reward (thawab) of a deed just depends on its being performed with an intention of gaining the consent of Allah (swt). Thus, a deed done with a sincere intention can cause as much thawabs as thousands of deeds can cause. So, a very small deed with a very sincere intention may cause enourmous rewards that we can’t imagine.
Scolars’ opinions about the sizes and weights of sins:
Nuraddin al-Sabuni (the author of Kifaye) says that “One sin is a small sin in comparison with a bigger one. The same sin is a big sin in comparison with a smaller one. The absolute major sin is kufr (blasphemy) and shirk (associating partners with Allah (swt)), because no sins are bigger than them. Big sins refer to the sins excluding shirk.” (Ilm-u Kalam and Aqaid-ul Islam, Taftazani)
As a conclusion, we cannot exactly know which sin is bigger and which deeds make us gain more rewards. As a matter of fact, each sin is bigger than the smaller ones and smaller than the bigger ones. However, we know that denial is the major of all sins and the good deeds which are performed with the deepest sincerity, just with the intention of seeking the consent of Allah (swt) are the best deeds.
Certainly, Allah (swt) is the most Just of all reckoners and He is the One who has created “the scale” to weigh our deeds. Allah (swt) knows the best. As His slaves, our duty is worship; abandoning sins He forbids us and trying our best to learn our religion, strengthen our iman with Islamic knowledge and performing our duties He orders us with the deepest intention we can. And ask His pardon for our sins, ask His mercy for our impotency and ask power of faith to be a good slave for Him (swt). Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - How Will Our Deeds Be Weighed on the Day of Judgment?