" Salah (Prayer) "
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Does Salah (Prayer) Show Any Changes from Country to Country?
The one who goes along with Sunnah, he will perform the salah in the same way and the same style regardless of the country in which he/she lives or goes.
As it is well known, salah is divided into sections such as fard (obligatory), wajib (necessary) and mustahab (recommended) and it can be performed in two, three and four rakahs. Salah is performed in accordance with its fard, wajib and Sunnahs and its rhythms. The movements in salah are performed according to the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The one who goes along with Sunnah, he will perform the salah in the same way and same style regardless of the country in which he/she lives or goes.
Allah orders performing salah, and He explains some of the concepts of salah, but He doesn’t declare the way that how it should be done. We should learn the way how salah must be performed from our honorable Prophet (pbuh). Companions followed the Prophet carefully, and they tried hard to convey correctly all kinds of worships such as salah (prayer) along with all the little details of his life. All the narrations related to salah come from His wives, relatives and companions. (Al-Musnad)
It is described in the Hadiths (sayings) how our Prophet (pbuh) performed salah
Zayd Ibn Harithah narrated:
When the first revelation came to me, Gabriel came to me and taught me the wudu (ablution) and salah (prayer). (Bukhari Musnad)
As it is understood from the Hadith our Prophet (pbuh) declared the way how salah should be performed. In general terms salah doesn’t vary too much among the four creeds. The differences among the four schools of thought (sects-madhabs) are just in little details of salah.
Consequently the movements and deeds in salah don’t change from one country to another country. Since the movements in salah are based on Sunnah, it doesn’t bring any difference for the movement details to be done in salah and before salah (the movements which are supposed to be done as preparation for the salah). Kaynak: http://askaquestionto.us - Does Salah (Prayer) Show Any Changes from Country to Country?