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rebelling against parents beautiful names of allah hussain God watches us faith of an infidel cream during fasting shawwal or qada hadiths about najran tarwiya duties of the prophets befriending nonmuslims Muslim world name sunnahs of jummah women's covering morals solutions for unity bad deeds of the dead firdaws i'jaz devil tawaff-e ziyarat racism prophet muhammad compulsory to seek knowledge sultan selim qada prayer month of shawwal ahad entitled to receive zakat noah how to avoid haram fasting six days of shawwal covering justice and reancarnation reward for praying islam zakat of debtor professors malaika-i muakkal stories in the quran awliya Corselle zakat for the money on deposit brotherhood islamic greeting sending blessings on prophet delaying zakat angel of death ilm funeral prayer fasting in shawwal to pray wearing a dress with images dawn christmas night bad deeds compulsory prayers latin disobey parents in haram duurat-al vaizin ınjil fast of ashura long-term debt and zakat one qurbani on behalf of the household shaban month expiation of masturbation while fasting beard wudu while fasting female witness in Islam prophet jesus (pbuh) necessary feeding poor seth cleaning teeth while fasting covenant why to seek knowledge pious what invalidates itikaf jihad four caliphs girlfriend in Islam wildan gain thawab wali realm pray balaghat muhammad(pbuh) blessing niyyah for i’tikaf parents god zakat to non-muslims compensation albania commit a sin god and nafs holy spirit jahannam

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